Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Beccles Primary we want all children to reach their potential and to achieve well.  Some children need support that is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.  Through regular assessment and discussions with the children and their parents, these needs are identified and support is planned.  Sometimes, this involves accessing additional and specialist support from the Local Authority.  For more details of Suffolk’s Local Offer, click here.

Young Person’s Network

The YPN is a growing network (a bit like a Facebook group) of young people who want to have their say to help shape the services and support provided in Suffolk for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The aim of the network is to:

  • Have fun and take part in social events
  • Have a voice
  • Be involved in decision-making
  • Help shape and improve services for young people

See how our pupil’s are sharing their thoughts in this short video:


SEND Policy November 2023

SEND School offer

Accessibility Plan

You can contact our SENDCO, Ms Sally Clay, either through the school office or by email: [email protected]